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YOUTUBE 라이브아카데미 토들러|which 관계 대명사 - Part 3 [ in which, to which, from which ] 영상 리뷰(180818) 영어공부 영어유튜브 영어어휘 영어회화 https://youtu.be/-Rla6eF24ZU * 요약 1. 전치사 + which 1) in which - All of these are very common topics, most of which you are deeply *educated in -> These are very common topics in which you are all deeply educated. (formal) > 이 모든 것들은 매우 흔한 주제들이고, 대부분은 당신이 깊이 교육받았습니다. * be eduacated in + @ - We were involved in many different types of work in which we had absolutely no *experience. 우리는 경험이 전혀 없는 다양.. 2022. 3. 7.
YOUTUBE 라이브아카데미 토들러|which 관계 대명사 - Part 2 영상 리뷰(180815) 영어공부 영어유튜브 영어어휘 영어회화 https://youtu.be/HS2Y1JzQM-k * 요약 1. 관계대명사 which 예문 : 추가 설명 / 해당 사항에 대한 본인의 관점 - While I was there, I saved half of what I earned. It was actually a lot easier that I thought -> While I was there, I saved half of what I earned, which was actually a lot easier than I thought > 내가 버는 돈의 절반은 절약을 했는데, 내가 생각했던 것보다 훨씬 쉬웠어 - I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. That was in fact the main reason (that) I w.. 2022. 3. 6.
YOUTUBE 라이브아카데미 토들러|which 관계 대명사 - Part 1 영상 리뷰(180813) 영어공부 영어유튜브 영어어휘 영어회화 https://youtu.be/NUwbOJP049U * 요약 1. 관계대명사 which 예문 : 추가, 보충 설명 - I got up around 7 o'clock this morning. It was a little earlier than ususal -> I got up around 7 o'clock this morning, which was a little earlier than ususal > 나는 평소보다 좀 더 일찍 7시 정도에 일어났어, - And then I had breakfast, I don't do that very often unless I'm very hungry -> And then I had breakfast, which I don't do very often unless I'.. 2022. 3. 5.
YOUTUBE 라이브아카데미 토들러|어쩔 수 없어, ~하는 수 밖에 없어 영상 리뷰(180821) 영어공부 영어유튜브 영어어휘 영어회화 https://youtu.be/yhAhbGK901w * 요약 1. 어쩔 수 없어 : There's nothing(not much : 부드러운 표현) 주어 can do - There's nothing we can do about it > 이건 어쩔 수 없어 - There's nothing else we can do > 달리 이건 어쩔 수 없어(그 방법 말곤 방법이 없다) - There's nothing more we can do > 이건 더 어쩔 수 없어 - There's nothing we can do about it now / at this point > 이제는 어쩔 수 없어 - There was nothing we could do at that point(At that point, there was .. 2022. 3. 4.