* 요약
1. 관계대명사 which 예문 : 추가, 보충 설명
- I got up around 7 o'clock this morning. It was a little earlier than ususal
-> I got up around 7 o'clock this morning, which was a little earlier than ususal
> 나는 평소보다 좀 더 일찍 7시 정도에 일어났어,
- And then I had breakfast, I don't do that very often unless I'm very hungry
-> And then I had breakfast, which I don't do very often unless I'm very hungry
> 그리고 아침을 먹었어요 제가 아주 배가 고프지 않는 이상 자주 그러지 않아요.
- I left home before 8 o'clock and I took the bus. That's how I usually go to work.
-> I left home before 8 o'clock and I took the bus, which is how I usually go to work
> 8시에 집에나와서 버스를 탔다. 출근은 보통 그렇게 해요
- There was a meeting at work in the morning. It lasted more that 2 hours.
-> There was a meeting at work in the morning, which lasted more than 2 hours.
> 아침에 회사에서 회의가 있었어요. 그건 두시간 이상 진행이 됐어요
- I got off work around 10pm. That's pretty normal at my company
-> I got off work around 10pm, which is pretty normal at my company
> 오후 10시 쯤에 퇴근했어요. 저희 회사는 꽤 보통이에요
영어공부 영어기초공부 기초영어 초보영어 영어어휘 영어회화
영어회화공부 초보영어공부 초보영어유튜브 영어공부유튜브 영어유튜브 토들러영어