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YOUTUBE 라이브아카데미 토들러|which 관계 대명사 - Part 2 영상 리뷰(180815) 영어공부 영어유튜브 영어어휘 영어회화

by OH! BUJA 2022. 3. 6.


* 요약


1. 관계대명사 which 예문 : 추가 설명 / 해당 사항에 대한 본인의 관점
- While I was there, I saved half of what I earned. It was actually a lot easier that I thought
-> While I was there, I saved half of what I earned, which was actually a lot easier than I thought
> 내가 버는 돈의 절반은 절약을 했는데, 내가 생각했던 것보다 훨씬 쉬웠어

- I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. That was in fact the main reason (that) I wanted to take (some) time off school
-> I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, which was in fact the main reason (that) I wanted to take (some) time off school
> 내가 뭘 원하는지 잘 모르겠더라고. 그게 내가 학교를 쉬고 싶었던 주된 이유였어.

- I don't think I can go to her wedding. Oh, and by the way, it has nothing to do with the fact that we used to date.
-> I don't think I can go to her wedding, which by the way has nothing to do with the fact that we used to date.
> 그녀의 결혼식에 못 갈거 같아. 참고로, 우리가 사겼던 것과는 아무런 상관이 없다

- We ended up spending a lot more that we had planned. I think it could've been avoided had I been in charge.(if I had been in charge)
-> We ended up spending a lot more that we had planned, which I think could've been avoided had I been in charge.
> 우리가 기존에 계획했던것보다 많은 돈을 쓰게 됐다. 내가 감당을 했으면 피할 수 있었던 것이라고 생각해

- I started taking driving lessons. I've been meaning to do it for a while.
-> I started taking driving lessons, which I've been meaning to do for a while.
> 나는 운전을 배우기 시작했어. 한동안 그것을 해야지라는 생각이 있었어

- We discussed several things during the meeting. Most of them were related to the upcoming event next week.
-> We discussed several things during the meeting, most of which were related to the upcoming event next week.
> 회의시간에 몇가지에 대해 토론했어요. 다음주에 다가오는 이벤트에 대한 것들이 대부분이었다.

- As far as I can tell, we have 3 options. (And) None of them are very good.
-> As far as I can tell, we have 3 options, none of which are very good.
> 내가 보기에는 선택권이 3가지 있어. 그 중에 어떤 것도 좋은게 아니야

영어공부 영어기초공부 기초영어 초보영어 영어어휘 영어회화
영어회화공부 초보영어공부 초보영어유튜브 영어공부유튜브 영어유튜브 토들러영어
