* 요약
* 복습
A : Do you want to go out for dinner today?
> 우리 오늘 저녁 나가서 먹을까?
B : That sounds great. Do you have something in mind?
> 좋아 뭐 생각해 둔 것 있어?
A : No, I don't really have anything in mind? What do you want?
> 아니, 딱히 생각해 둔 것은 없는데 넌 뭐 먹고 싶어?
B : How/what about pizza?
> 피자 어때
A : again?
> 또?
A : Do you want to go somewhere this weekned? I have a few places in mind
> 우리 주말에 어디 좀 갈까? 생각해 둔 곳이 몇 군데 있어
B : (That) sounds great! Where did you have in mind
> 좋지! 생각해 둔 곳이 어딘데?
* 예습
- It feels like we're living in a tropical country these days.
> 요즘은 열대 국가에서 살고 있는 기분이다.
- It's like we're living in a tropical country these days.
> 요즘은 열대 국가에서 살고 있는 것 같아
- It's like this
> (이건) 이렇다.
1. 이거 원래 이래
1) 정상적인 것이라는 맥락 : It's supposed to be like this
- Is it supposed to be like this?
> 이거 원래 이래?
2) 늘/항상 그렇다는 맥락(상황,사람) : It's always like this / It's always been like this
(1) 예문
A : Why is it so hot this summer?
> 이번 여름은 왜 이렇게 더워
B : What are you talking about?
> 뭔소리야
B : It's always like this in the summer
> 여름에는 항상(원래) 이래/이렇잖아
(2) 예문
- Is he/she always like that?
> 쟤 원래 저래?