* 요약
1. 적당하다
- This is good enough
> 이 정도면 적당해
- Hey, go easy. / Hey, take it easy / Hey, don't get carried away
> 아, 적당히 해
- Hey pace yourself. You('ve) got to take a break once in a while. Working hard will only get you so far
> 적당히 쉬어가면서 해야지, 무조건 열심히 한다고 좋은게 아니야
- We have a lot of people. It's going to be hard to find a good place
> 우리가 사람이 많아서 적당한 곳을 찾기 어려울거야
2. 적절하다
- I think our timing was really good / I think our timing was just right
> 우리 타이밍이 적절했던 것 같아
- They're not familiar with the work yet, so it would've been hard for them to take appropriate action(properly deal with).
> 걔네는 아직 일이 익숙하지 않아서 적절하게 대처하기 어려웠을거야
- She wasn't wrong about what she said, it's just that the way she expressed herself was a little inappropriate
> 걔가 한 말이 틀린 것은 아닌데 표현 방식이 좀 부적절했던 것 같아
3. 알맞다
- I think this is suited for using at home
> 이건 집에서 쓰기에 알맞은 것 같아
- Think about what you're mainly going to use it for and get the one that is most suited for that. You don't have to get the latest and greatest
> 무슨 용도로 주로 사용할 것인지를 생각해보고 거기에 가장 알맞은 것을 사야지, 무조건 좋은 것을 살 필요 없어
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영어회화공부 초보영어공부 초보영어유튜브 영어공부유튜브 영어유튜브 토들러영어