* 요약
1. 예문
- Last week I was at a coffee shop
and I saw this man *quietly sitting in the corner by himself, perfectly relaxed and just having a really great time.
> 지난 주에 어떤 커피숍에 갔었는데 어떤 아저씨가 혼자 조용히 구석에 앉아서 완전히 편하게 그냥 즐기고 있는거야.
- (It's)Not what *I'm normally used to seeing at a place like that where people normally have to wait like half an hour to order a cup of coffee.
> 커피 한 잔 주문하려면 30분 정도 기다려야 하는 그런 곳에서 그런 것은 정말 보기 드문 광경이었어.
- You should've seen him.
> 너가 그를 봤어야 하는데
- He was so immersed in the music and just chilling with a cup of coffee.
> 음악에 완전 심취해서 커피 한잔이랑 그냥 완전히 편하게 쉬고 있었어.
- It was so cool.
> 정말 멋졌어.
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