* 요약
1. 예문
- It looks like *there may have been some misunderstanding about the announcement that was made a few days ago.
> 며칠 전에 나간 공지에 대해서 오해가 좀 있었을 수도 있어요.
- there may have been some misunderstaning : formal하게 표현 다르게 말해서 조심스럽게 표현하는 것
- I think there is some misunderstaning about : 비교적 캐주얼하게 하면
- I just want to take a moment to *clear that up *just so (that) there is no more confusion.
> 더 이상의 혼란이 없도록 잠깐 시간을 가지고 정리를 하고 싶고요
- Once we *get that straightened out, we can move on to our main topic today.
> 그걸 일단 바로 잡고 나면 오늘 주제로 넘어갈게요.
* straighten out = sort out
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