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YOUTUBE 라이브아카데미 토들러|영어표현 10개 배우면서 영어감각 키우기 영상 리뷰(210112) 영어공부 영어유튜브 영어어휘 영어회화

by OH! BUJA 2021. 11. 17.


* 요약

- 제 사무실 바로 옆에 떡볶이 집이 있는데요 아무래도 요리랑 청소하는 일이 많다 보니까 꽤 시끄러운 편인데 뭐라고 할 수는 없죠
> There is a 떡볶이 place right next to my office and since they do a lot of cooking and cleaning, they tend to be pretty noisy, which is perfectly fair
* Since : 아무래도 그렇다 보니까
  perfectly : 충분히 제 역할을 한다

- 공공시설이니까.
> It's a public buliding

- 문제는 제가 여기 들어올 때 벽에 방음 시공을 하지 않는 실수를 해버렸다는거예요.
> The problem is, I made the(stupid) mistake of not sound-proofing the walls when I came here.
* made the mistake of : -하는 실수를 해버렸다.

- 왜 그럴 생각을 못했는지 모르겠네요. 아무튼 그래서 저는 완전히 야행성이 됐어요.
> I don't know why it never occurred to me to do that. Anyway, it has led me to go fully nocturnal

- 밤에 출근하고 아침에 퇴근해요.
> I come to work at night and leave in the morning.
- 이상적이진 않지만 유지할 수 있는 상태를 만들었어요
> It's certainly not ideal but I've managed to make it work.
* make it work : 되게 하다 / 되게끔 하다.

- 물론 벽에 방음시공을 하는 방법은 늘 있지만 사실 여기 얼마나 오래 있을지도 몰라서 그건 임대계약이 끝날 무렵에 결정하게 될 것 같고 
> I guess I could always sound proof the walls but I honestly don't know how long I'll be staying here so I think that's a decision that I'll be making at the end of my lease contract.

- 그때까지는 지금 이대로 유지하면서 어떻게 되는지 보려고요.
> Meanwhile. I think I'm just going to keep things the way they are and see how it goes  
* keep things the way they are : 지금 이대로 유지하다

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